21. November 2004

Jón Skjöldur Karlsson have a personal web site with many nice pictures from his traveling all around in Iceland              


27. apríl 2003

You can not find a cycle paths in Iceland. Cyclist are allow to cycle on walking paths but they have no rights there. Icelandic drivers are one of the worst drivers in western country's  You can see picture of the real world for Icelandic cyclist   (Sorry, text is in Icelandic).     

29. mars 2003

Cycling trip made by Icebike web master in July-August 2000 This bicycle trip was more or less done in the Icelandic wilderness on the interior. The weather was extremely nice this summer and almost tailwind all the trip. Sorry, this story is in Icelandic but there are some nice pictures. You will find new pictures here every 6 months for the next two years.                  SEE PICTURES

6. Januar 2003

Cycling trip made by Icebike web master 26th December 2002 from Reykjavik to Ţingvellir (Thingvellir) Temperature was about -5 °C during the night up to +6 °C during the day at this time. The trip was made after midnight of 26th. Stay one night in sleeping bag outside at Ţingvellir. Then back on the road around 12 o'clock and arriving to Reykjavik around 15 o'clock. SEE PICTURES

Sorry! The main gallery is not ready.
In the future you will find lot of pictures all over Iceland with just a mouse-clik on the area on the map that you like to see. 

This map is made by Landmćlingar Íslands