Ritsmíðar mínar
My writings and thoughts
Hér eru ritgerðir sem ég skrifaði á Háskólaárunum, í mannfræði.  Allar eru þær á íslensku. Þar fyrir neðan eru nokkrar vangaveltur um hitt og þetta.  Þær eru á ensku.

These are academic essays (in Icelandic) written when I was studying for a degree in Anthropology in the University of Iceland. I add a description of the essays content in the hope thatI may be able to translate them one day. Below this blue table there is a yellow one with essays in English on various topics.

Essays in Icelandic
Tjáning handan tungumálsins (enn ótengd ) (The Power of resonance: communication beyond the limitations of formal language)
Tengsl orða og hluta  (Words and their relevance in a continuous world)
Skynjun hugsunar, hugsun skynjunar (Sensing thoughts and thinking about sensations)
B.A.Ritgerð: Heildræn sýn á Jörðina. (B.A. Thesis - Is the Earth a living organism or a Mother Goddess, or both?)
Anomie - Norm: Samræmd hegðun (What is normal, and why?)
Trúarbrögð og deilur  (Religion and war, a comparative approach)
Umfjöllun um kennslugögn í myndmennt  (Teaching materials in art education)

Ritgerðir á Ensku
Essays in English
personal uniqueness     who is special anyway?
dream journey      a dreamworld with answers to everything
emotions           can we learn from observing our emotions?